As part of her practicum in the course we took on Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the University of Montana, Dona spent time working with visitors in the Humphrey Fellowship program. The University of Montana helps the Humphrey Fellows through a Long-Term English program when they first come to the United States. We invited them to come out to Ovando for a day of relaxation. The plan was to do some canoeing on Brown's Lake in the morning and then hike in the afternoon. Jeanie and Josh, two of the English language instructors, and Ryan, an intern, brought them out.
We got a late start, as everyone enjoyed exploring our place before heading out to the lake. A number of them wanted to go up on the tree platform and have a look around, and others explored a bit down by the river. In the end, we didn't have time for that afternoon hike, as we spent most of the afternoon at the lake. But I think everyone enjoyed it.
We had three boats for them to use: a sixteen foot canoe, our Vermont Fishing Dory, and a Jeanie's one-person Mad River canoe.